Tuesday, December 23, 2014


As the rain is steadily falling in Green Bay this morning... I have my cup of coffee next to me, the boys are gone to school and work, and My littlest angel- my little Cindy Lou as i like to say- is asleep in her bed for a long winters nap.. I started looking at the Tree we have in our living room and started to reflect on christmases past, present, and the future...

My best christmas was probably the most talked about christmas among us girls.  I have 2 sisters- B and C.  It was Christmas morning,  My mom had told us girls to sit by the tree and she had to go "get" something.  My Mom walked to the door to our front porch and opened the door. My Dad had walked in with my big sister's new pink and purple mountain bike, He gave it to Becky, he walked back out to the porch and walked back with a Green and White Bike for Char-- it was actually probably more of a Teal pretty green.  She screamed with Delight... then my dad brought my Betty Boop bike in, and I was SO excited. 6 years old, and my first brand new BIG girl bike... but that meant I would have to learn how to ride with training wheels.  My dad and Mom looked on as we all chattered and shouted with joy over our new bikes and many many thank yous! My mom took a picture of all of 3 of us on our bikes- I couldn't quite get on it just yet because the seat was set too high yet.  That was the first, and the only christmas I remember having my parents in the house together, celebrating christmas and feeling like for one day- we were just a normal family for a few hours. It was one of the most beautiful days that I can remember.  Everyone was together and thankful and happy. 

As we go into this holiday season- remember that there are children that will have less than you have under your tree-- while you are sitting around the tree on christmas eve, or christmas day- remember those who are less fortunate- and be thankful in the moment that you are able to do what you can for your loved ones- Also pause to reflect on what you can do to help those families out in the coming year- donating, helping, giving your time and talents to others that may not have your skill.  It makes a world of difference- and people are eternally thankful and joyful after you have done something for them.

As I sit around the tree with our many families that we have over the next few days- I will often be reflecting on how wonderful our family is, and the time we get to spend with them, and just being with each other.. after all.... that is what christmas is about.. it's not about the gifts, or the money you spend on each other-- it's the time together that matters. Make it count today, tomorrow.... forever.

Merry Christmas with lots of love....

Lauren, vincent, Victoria 

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