So.. I am potty training a 2 year old now...... Yep.... im in the troughs like every other frazzled mom. On top of having 2 kids- both in diapers and one that is Diva- and Vincent is such a sweet devil child that makes me utter- sweet baby jesus about 1,000 times a day.
In mid- October- I had finally seen that Vincent was Ready to start potty training. I wrestled with first time mom questions like- AM I THINKING he is ready or is he ready truly? am I doing this because I am sick of having 2 kids in diapers and changing them both all day long? Yes... but vincent seemed emotionally, and physically ready...... but the doctor said not to push it...... BUT i have 2 kids in diapers!!! my sister C- she said if you're ready and hes ready then let it happen. So- off to the store we brought his potty chair and his potty training book- and a bag of skittles to bribe him (im such a great mom) and big boy underwear.. and we told him you have to go potty in potty so you can wear big boy underwears.........
As soon I placed vincent on the potty and looked at him..........and my mind twirled backwards to the day i gave birth to him..... how quickly had time flown by? how possible is that? It still feels like a few months ago I just had him and here is my vincent as a 2 year old ready to be a big boy. I find with every big moment- my heart feels sorrow and also joy and triumph because my little boy is growing up but sorrow because every step I give him-- he is leaving me a little bit more each day. I remind myself what I do now to help him will make him a wonderful man xomeday.. I can only hope.
A few days of potty training he wouldn't do it.......and then all of the sudden he did....... and lots of hugs and high fives and some skittles. he was game. He quickly learned if he went pee or poop he got skittles.... and he really has taken a interest in it.. Now he goes with some regularity but we struggle with staying dry and him wanting to be a baby- and a big boy. I know everyone struggles with this. and we are working on it as a family. At this point I realize Vincent will always need me no matter what.
He goes through fits and days he doesn't want to go into it.. but recently he has started to go again... so I am hoping maybe he will be all done potty training during the day for christmas. that would be nice. and save money and he will be a BIG BOY...... for now.. he is alternating between big boy pull ups and diapers.
I have found that it works. Vincent does not really like the diapers anymore.. so I tell him well.. if you wont go pee i have to put the diapers on........... so he really TRIES to go pee to avoid the diapers. :)
who knows.. maybe in a few weeks i'll be posting he is all done and is wearing underwears. :) we will see.
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